Mallorie A. Thomas
Where do you work?
I am an associate at King & Ruiz LLP.
What type of legal work do you do?
My practice focuses on litigating contract disputes, international judgment enforcement, and international asset recovery work. I manage complex, international investigations as part of my firm’s work in domestic and cross-border disputes. Additionally, I manage criminal investigations related to the firm’s work in defending against government investigations and enforcement actions. Since joining King & Ruiz LLP, I have begun to develop more litigation experience in the white-collar defense practice area as well.
When and why did you join MDFAWL?
I joined MDFAWL in 2022 in hopes of re-connecting with my local community after spending the last decade living and studying in the New York area. My goal was to not only connect with colleagues within the Miami-Dade legal community, but to find interactive ways to learn and develop within my practice.
What was your most rewarding professional achievement?
Thus far, my most rewarding professional achievement was succeeding on a motion to dismiss a complaint filed against a client—we spent months researching, investigating, collaborating with experts, and briefing the motion, so to be able to deliver a successful outcome to the client was truly very rewarding. Another rewarding professional achievement was related to a portfolio of litigation that I was managing where we successfully assisted a cryptocurrency company recover over hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stolen funds.