Lisa Bobotas
Where do you work / study?
Mary Lisa Bobotas PLLC & MAZE Resolutions.
What type of legal work do you do?
I provide mediation and business consultation services, and I serve as a traffic hearing officer.
When and why did you join MDFAWL?
I joined in 2001 when my dear friend and law school classmate, former Judge Sarah Zabel, became president and told me about this great organization.
What was your most rewarding professional achievement?
When I pivoted from a full-time litigator to a transactional attorney, when most said it could not be done—and then to use that experience to become in-house counsel for a bank, and then combine all of that knowledge to expand into a mediation career—was and continues to be rewarding.
What advice do you have for women in the legal profession?
Work hard and cultivate meaningful professional relationships. Spend your time efficiently, the way that makes you comfortable and fits in your schedule. You will continue to cross paths with new and old professional friends, and it will continually enhance your career.
What does your pro bono practice look like?
I am a member of a nationwide nonprofit women's group and act as their general counsel by reviewing contracts and addressing legal issues as they come up. Currently, we are forming our own 501(c)(3) in Illinois, so I am supervising that process.