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2021 Health & Wellness Olympics

As you may recall, the Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division has previously brought attention to the stigmas associated with physical and mental health through its #StigmaFreeYLD campaign. The YLD has now shifted its focus to action. Hence the 2021 Health & Wellness Olympics!

The Health and Wellness Olympics, which runs from April 1, 2021 and through May 27, 2021, is designed to encourage all members of the Florida Bar (not just the young ones!) to live a healthier lifestyle. Participants can earn points through a variety of activities including, physical activity, meditation, counseling, group sports, reading, webinars, and much more.

Awards (i.e. grant money for the affiliates and Garmin watches for the individuals) will be given to the top three affiliates (small, medium, and large affiliates) and to the top three individual point earners.

Go register now at (which also has more details on the rules and the event) so that you can help us get the recognition, grant money (and bragging rights!) we deserve. It’s free, simple and will help keep all of us on track to meet our goals. Be sure to choose Miami-Dade FAWL on the drop down so that we can collectively go for the GOLD! If you post to social media, be sure to use #YLDMotionGranted because we can earn extra points.


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