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Member Spotlight

Stella Garcia


Where do you study?

FIU College of Law


What type of legal work do you aspire to do? 

I am currently thinking of doing civil litigation. I really enjoyed property law and contracts in my first year of law school, and I am thinking of going into those fields. I would also love to work as a clerk if I get the chance.


When and why did you join MDFAWL?

I joined MDFAWL because it held an event at my school. Hearing the attorneys speak about their experiences as women in the field was extremely empowering and inspiring. So, I decided to join not only because of the great events MDFAWL hosts for students and practicing attorneys, but also because of the supportive and inclusive environment it provides.


What was your most rewarding professional achievement? 

So far, I am very proud to have been invited to join the FIU Law Review. I am also currently working as a judicial intern in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida.


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